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Costigan Lake - June 10 to 17, 2006

Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Sunday, June 11th
By 6:15 we were on the road to Meadow Lake where we met up with the rest of the crew at 7-11 to stoke up on coffee and Baileys. The first beer break was at the Pinehouse Lake turn. You could feel the brotherly love early in the day.

Greg reminded Pat to put his plug in the right hole, or he could end up with little shits. Luckily Pat never has to worry about forgetting his episode a few years back when he launched his boat without checking if the plug was in, somebody always remembers for him… Andy said Pat reminded him of his friend Jake, from Brokeback Mountain, but Pat made it clear he only slept with George on these trips; he is nothing if not loyal.

We made it to the launch with nothing to report, other than the usual stops to drain beer. It could just be my imagination, but it seems the older we get the more frequent the stops get… We had 12 guys and 4 boats, so the loading and launching went like clockwork. It was when we got to camp the fun began.

The week before the Eckel's crew had been in camp, and they left the cooler pit full of garbage! While that pissed us off it was nothing compared to the 2 big pails of fish guts left rotting by the fish cleaning station! They were so rancid that Tim lost his cookies carrying them to the boat, and then Matt lost his when he dumped them out in the lake! It was unmistakable that they are brothers, their retching sounded exactly alike! I don't think they appreciated the humour as much as the rest of us did… I suspect it will be Dagenhardt's vs. Eckel's next time they all meet in the Goodsoil bar; my money is on the Dagenhardt's.

Brad is going to bring Pat a stick and a flashlight, his weapons of choice when dealing with nasty little creatures after dark! Note: for the entire trip Pat never went more than 10 feet from camp after dark, I'm sure he still has nightmares about the dangerous beasts lurking on Freebird Island!

Another Sunday chore was gathering firewood. Since Freebird Island had been scoured for deadfall years ago, the guys had become the Beachcombers over at Burnt Island. They found a nice dead one standing on shore and felled it into the lake, then dragged it back to camp. Pat took a spill, sounded like a beaver the way he slapped the water.

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